In WhatsApp, there is the useful function of making calls. If you are using the WhatsApp phone function on your Samsung Galaxy S7, it may be that your WhatsApp calls are aborted suddenly or have a bad connection quality.
This is especially the case when you are using your mobile data connection. So if your WhatsApp calls stop suddenly, then you have to proceed as follows:
Open on the Samsung Galaxy S7 the app "WhatsApp". If you are in the chat overview, tap the symbol with the three dots in the upper right corner. The menu now opens, in which you have to select "Settings". In this menu, select "Data usage". Scroll down to the "Call Settings" section.
Here you will find the entry "Reduce data consumption". This setting will improve the WhatsApp calls on your Samsung Galaxy S7, but you will have to make cuts in the voice quality.
The calls are however compared to before still very well. You now know what setting you have to make in WhatsApp on the Samsung Galaxy S7 when WhatsApp calls are stopped suddenly or the connection is very bad.