The Samsung Galaxy S5 has received a few days ago the new Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware update. If you have already installed the new operating system, you may have noticed after the first days that the battery life of the smartphone has deteriorated - Say the battery of the Samsung Galaxy S5 is quickly empty.
If this is the case, then most likely there are old system files on the Samsung Galaxy S5 in memory, which conflict with the new files. Such a conflict can then cause the processor to not be sent to the "deep sleep" and therefore take battery power.
The result is a battery which quickly becomes empty. Because of this, you should make a so-called Wipe Cache partition, after upgrading to Android Marshmallow 6.0.1. This method deletes the temporary system files of the old system and causes your Android 6.0.1 to run quickly and smoothly.
Thus, less battery power is required, which is why it lasts longer.
We hope that your problem with the quickly vacated battery is fixed and you can enjoy the new Android 6.0.1 to the fullest.