The gaming platform Steam offers a huge number of games and is a library and store at the same time. Several operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Linux are supported.
Steam is started automatically each time the PC is restarted, which may not necessarily be desired by every user, especially if one is not playing so often or is taking a break.
If you would like to deactivate Steam when your operating system starts up, there are several ways to do this, which we would like to explain to you below:
Disable Steam Autostart on system startup - All options
Disable Steam via the software settings
This is the most common variant, which also works perfectly for most users.
1. open Steam on your PC
2. go to "View" in the upper left corner and then "Settings".
3. navigate to the "Surface" tab
4. disable the option "Start Steam when my computer starts"
After you uncheck the option, Steam will no longer launch when your Windows and Mac operating systems are started.
Disable Steam for autostart via the Task Manager
Alternatively, you can use the following option to prevent Steam from starting.
1. open the Windows Task Manager
2. go to "Autotart" in the Task Manager You will see a list of all applications that are started when Windows starts.
3. search for Steam in the applications list, go to it and then select "Disable
The next time you restart your computer, Steam will not automatically start. So you now know two ways to disable the autostart function of the Steam gaming platform.