The messenger application "WhatsApp" includes a dark mode, which shows you the interface, especially the chat overview and the individual chats in a dark color.
This has the advantage that not only the battery consumption is reduced, but also the eyes are spared.
Because if the display emits bright colors, this is subconsciously harmful to your eyes.
Now it is so that it automatically activates Dark Mode in WhatsApp when dark mode is used in Android. If you want to use WhatsApp in light color, this is not possible without switching off the dark mode in Android.
Fortunately, there is a feature that allows you to set the dark mode in WhatsApp independently from the Android system. How to do this is described in detail in the following instructions:
Individually enable/disable WhatsApp Dark Mode
1. open the WhatsApp app
2. Select the three-point symbol and then "Settings".
3. go to "Chats
4. now select "Designs".
5. change the setting from "System Setting" to "Light" or "Dark".
This means that no matter what setting you have set in Android, dark mode in WhatsApp is now enabled or disabled.
This setting in WhatsApp is very useful because not every user likes the dark mode in WhatsApp but still wants to use the Android dark mode.
WhatsApp is not offering this option here as Instagram, for example, does not have this setting built in.