It can happen under Windows that after installing a new hard disk, for example a Samsung SSD etc., the old hard disk is still shown as available in the Device Manager.
This means that Windows does not update the description in the top level of the Device Manager and thus displays it incorrectly.
However, if you select the Hard Drive, the storage capacities of the new hard disk will be displayed.
If this or a similar situation should also occur with your hard disk setup within the device manager, please use the following tips to solve the error:
Especially our tip 3 has led to the desired success with many users!
Troubleshooting for non-updated Device Manager in Windows
#Tip 1: Run SSD Migration Tool again
For each SSD, for example Samsung, a tool is supplied which ensures a smooth migration. This tool usually includes a repair function, which should be executed in this case to solve the problem with the device manager.
#Tip 2: Remove gray IDE and USB controllers
Clean up old IDE and USB controllers in the device manager by removing gray-shaded entries. Go to the device manager and open the extended view of your IDE and USB controllers. Some of them are now displayed in gray. Delete these obsolete entries and restart your computer.
#Tip 3: Uninstall the activated, active SSD from the Device Manager
Note: With this option, we recommend that you make a full backup of your data in advance.
Open the Device Manager and then right-click on the old phantom drive in the Device Manager. Now select "Uninstall device" from the context menu and restart your computer.
The restart will be without problems and after logging in to Windows you will see your correct drive.
You now know three ways to address the problem when the Device Manager in Windows displays or does not update outdated entries.