If you are looking for directions or routes for hiking, geocaching or cycling on the Internet, you are often offered a GPX file for download. GPX stands for GPX Exchange Format. These files contain waypoints or their coordinates.
If you want to open such a GPX file on your Android smartphone, you usually don't have a suitable app installed that supports this file format. Therefore you will ask yourself the following question:
How can I open GPX files on Android?
Here we would like to help you:
First you need the following app from the Google Play Store:
If you have downloaded the viewer to your Android smartphone, please open the app. To load a GPX file into the viewer, proceed as follows:
1. tap on the three-bar symbol in the upper left corner.
2. select "Open files".
3. Navigate to the folder where you saved the GPX file.
4. Select the GPX file.
5. The GPX file is now displayed in the Explorer.
6. You can now see your GPS position and also the connected waypoints.
Now you know how to open GPX files with an Android smartphone or tablet.