On the Samsung Galaxy S20 and S10 smartphones, a service is installed ex works which provides you with news from all over the world on your home screen. The language is from the so-called "Samsung Daily" screen, which can be displayed by wiping to the left on the home screen.
If you do not want to use this Samsung Daily function on the Samsung Galaxy S20 and S10 on the home screen, you can disable it as follows:
Disable Samsung Galaxy S20 and S10 Samsung Daily on start screen
1. Return to the home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S20 and S10.
2. Press and hold down on a free space on the Home screen until it shrinks.
3. Wipe left until you see "Samsung Daily".
4. Deactivate the news page by setting the slider to "Inactive" in the upper right corner.
You have now successfully deactivated the Samsung Daily Homescreen on your S20 or S10.