On the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 you will often come into contact with PDF files. These files are often obtained from e-mails or downloads from the Internet.
If you have not yet found a suitable app for displaying PDF files on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, we recommend the following procedure:
Installing PDF Reader on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9
One app that is most commonly used to open PDF files is the following:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
The app can be obtained free of charge from the Google Play Store:
- Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
If you have installed the app on your Samsung Galaxy Note 9, you can now open the PDF file. In the following query, which app should be used to open the file, please select Acrobat Reader.
You can now select the following options:
- "Unique"
- "Always"
Depending on which option you have selected, every PDF file will be opened with Acrobat Reader or the query will appear again.
You now know how to quickly and easily display a PDF file on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9.