If you want to take a screenshot with the Samsung Gear S3, also known as a screenshot, in which the displayed screen content is saved, then this works a bit differently than with a smartphone.
We have summarized a detailed guide for taking the screenshot and transferring it to the paired smartphone for you here:
Screenshot Key combination Samsung Gear S3
You can take a screenshot by simultaneously pressing the following key and executing the wipe movement:
- Press the Home button
- Wipe from left to right
How to send screenshot to paired smartphone or tablet
To do this, follow the steps in the order below:
1. Open the menu on the Samsung Gear S3
2. Select the Gallery app
3. Open the screenshot you want to transfer to the smartphone
4. Select the three-point icon
5. Touch "Send"
There should now be a direct notification of the screenshot transfer to the paired smartphone.
You now know how to take a screenshot with the Samsung Gear S3 and transfer it to the paired smartphone.