If you are using the pre-installed calendar app of your Samsung Galaxy S9, you may be missing information about the upcoming holidays in your home country. The function is not active at the factory, but can be easily added as follows, so that holidays are displayed directly in your calendar.
This is how it works:
You can see holidays in the calendar of the Samsung Galaxy S9 if you use a Google account and have linked it to the Samsung Galaxy S9. This should apply to almost all Android users in general.
The next step is as follows:
1. To do this, please start from the home screen and then open the App menu.
2. Search for "Calendar". Select the app and you will see the usual calendar view, usually a whole month.
3. Now select the icon with the three items in the upper right-hand corner - A menu opens
4. Tap the entry "Manage calendar" here
5. Scroll down to the Google Calendar elements - Here you will find "Holidays in your country" (depending on the country you live in, the holidays in your home country are suggested to you)
6. Activate the option using the slider. Ready!