Sometimes it may be necessary to change the standard NFC method on the Samsung Galaxy S8. This is usually necessary if the desired NFC function, such as payment or NFC tag does not work correctly.
By changing the standard NFC method this can be optimized as follows:
With the Samsung Galaxy S8 one must set the following option in the NFC settings for the standard NFC method for example, if the payment by NFC does not work (for example Google Pay):
Android operating system - NFC Setting
Where one finds this setting exactly, we show you here:
1. Open the settings and then connections
2. Go on to "NFC and payment”
3. Now tap on the symbol with the three dots in the upper right corner and select "Standard NFC method" in the menu box
4. Set the marking now at "Android operating system" - done!
You have just changed the default NFC method in the Android settings of the Samsung Galaxy S8.