Samsung Galaxy S6 heart rate sensor is lighted red during stand by
The Samsung Galaxy S6 has installed on the rear of the housing a heart rate monitor, with which you can easily measure your pulse. A handy feature, which is supported by various apps. Now it can happen, however, that this sensor still lights red without using the pulse function. Of course this is not the intention and that is why you should find out and correct the reason.
We to give you a tip, that usually fixes the reddish glow of the heart rate monitor at your Samsung Galaxy S6. The reddish glow of the heart rate monitor comes from a malfunction of the app "Google Fit". Check if you have this app installed on your Samsung Galaxy S6. If so, uninstall or update it and then check if the red lights are still occurring.
The order should be as follows:
1. Uninstall or update Google Fit
2. Restart the Samsung Galaxy S6
3. Check whether the reddish glow of the heart rate monitor still exists
Typically, this is the main cause of the misbehavior of the heart rate monitor in standby. We hope that this is also the solution for your Samsung Galaxy S6.