If you want to download with your Samsung Galaxy S6 an app from the Google Play Store and want to install it, then it may be that the following error message appears on the display:
"Error retrieving information from server- error code: [RPC: S-5: AEC-0] "
This error usually appears suddenly and is the reason why you can´t download an app from the Google Play Store. In this article we show you a tip on how to resolve the error RPC: S-5: AEC-0 and then re-install apps from the Google Play store with the Samsung Galaxy S6:
Tip #1: Reset Google Play Store app
Open the menu and then the Settings of the Samsung Galaxy S6. Navigate from there to:
Menu --> Settings --> Applications --> Application Manager --> tab "All"
Search here for "Google Play Store" and then open the app-info. Now press the button:
- "Uninstall updates"
This ensures that all Google Play Store updates (resets the application) is deleted. That's not a big problem, because the Play Store is updated again even after a short time. But the error [RPC: S-5: AEC 0] now should no longer appear on your Samsung Galaxy S6. If so, then please use our second tip:
Tip #2: Connect and disconnect Google Account
Start from the home screen and click on:
Menu --> Settings --> Accounts.
Select in the list your Google Account (email address), with whom the Google Play Store is used. If it is open click in the upper right corner on "More" and tap within the pop-up menu "Remove Account". Now follow the wizard to remove the Google account.
Only the link between your smartphone and the Google account is deleted. It will not lose any emails or other data on the Samsung Galaxy S6. If the Google account is deleted, you have to pair it again with your phone. Now navigate to "Account" and tap on "Add Account" (plus sign) and select there as the new account type "Google".
Follow the wizard again and connect your Google Account again. Is the Google Account associated with your Samsung Galaxy S6, reopen the Google Play Store. By now, the error message with "Failed to retrieve information" and the error code “[AEC 0 rpc: S-5]” should be gone.
We hope that one of the two mentioned tips has helped and you can easily install apps again with the Samsung Galaxy S6 from the Google Play Store.