Samsung Galaxy S6 How to reset to factory settings - Solved

It may happen that unexpected errors and problems with the Android operating system or even the hardware occur with the Samsung Galaxy S6. A so-called factory reset is in some cases the last resort. With a factory reset, all data on the Samsung Galaxy S6 will be deleted an the factory default settings restored. In the process all data such as images, messages, contacts, apps, etc. are deleted and then the system reinstalled with the default settings. This will fix the most errors arising on the Samsung Galaxy S6.

We show how you can reset the Samsung Galaxy S6 to factory settings:

Important Note: Always make a backup of all data. This can be done for example with Samsung Kies on your PC.

Now we can start the factory reset:

Open on the Samsung Galaxy S6 from the home screen: Menu --> Settings --> "Backup and Reset"

In this sub-menu of Android on your Samsung Galaxy S6 select the last menu item: "Factory data reset". You now see a security message, which informs you once again that, in the process, all data on the Samsung Galaxy S6 will be deleted. Confirm the operation by pushing the button "Reset Device". The wizard will now clean up the old data and installs the fresh Android operating system on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

The Samsung Galaxy S6 will restart after the process and you can then start using the Setup Wizard.

You know now how to make a factory reset on the Samsung Galaxy S6 and to reset your phone to factory settings.

About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.