Samsung Galaxy S5 Android Lollipop save battery power – helpful tips

Who has upgraded his Samsung Galaxy S5 to the new Android lollipop benefits of all the new features that brings the firmware update. This also includes an extended battery life, which comes with a leaner resource-efficient runtime and programming. However, you can still save battery with a few tips and thus prolong the battery life of your smartphone. First, there is the power- and ultraenergy-saving mode by default. This already enlargesthe battery life.

We want to show you in this article a few ways how to extend battery life with the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Android Lollipop without using one of the power saving modes. This works with these tips:

1. Shorten Screen Timeout

By reducing the timeout of your smartphone screen, the power consumption of the display is reduced. As a result, the battery life of the Samsung Galaxy S5 increases.
To implement this tip: open on your smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S5 menu, then Settings. Navigate within this menu to "Display" and then to "Screen Timeout". There is now a window in which you can set the timeout of the display. From 15 seconds up to 10 minutes, everything can be selected here. Remember that the shorter the timeout is chosen the battery consumption of your Samsung Galaxy S5 is sinking!

2. Use dark Wallpapers

Dark pixels consume less power than bright pixels. Therefore it makes sense to use background images that are dark on the lock screen and home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S5.

3. Reduce screen brightness

The brightness of the display is one of the most decisive factors in the life of the battery. The darker the display, the less power is needed and the longer the battery lasts through. To reduce the brightness, pull the status bar down and remove near the Brightness control the checkmark at "Automatic brightness". Then move the controller far to the left as the screen is still readability and the brightness acceptable for you.

4. Disable unused components

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is equipped with high-grade technology that is not always fully used by the user. Therefore, it is advisable to disable hardware components that are not actively needed. This includes: Wi-Fi, GPS, rotate screen, Bluetooth, S-Beam, NFC, Air View, gestures, etc.

These features like “Smart Stay” grab all back on a hardware module, that requires battery power. All functions such as GPS or Bluetooth areon average rarely used and should be disabled and only enabled when using the relevant app such as Google Maps. Also WiFi is usually only needed at home.On the go, the mobile data connection is usually used, which is why the WiFi can be disabled.

While features such as Air Gesture or Smart Stay are initially quite funny, but quickly lose importance they can also be disabled. To disable the above hardware components, drag the notification bar with two fingers down and deactivate the appropriate hardware with the quick menu buttons. Green indicates that the function is active, gray stands for a disabled function.
In order to optimally conserve battery power, turn off Wi-Fi, GPS, Rotate Screen, Bluetooth, S-Beam, NFC, Air View, Smart Stay and gestures. You will already feel a RISING battery life after a short time.

5. Enable GSM mode on your Samsung Galaxy S5

By switching from the automatic mode to GSM only mode on the Samsung Galaxy S5, it is prevented that your smartphone switches between the mobile frequency bands.That will save battery power. Set the constant GSM mode at your Samsung Galaxy S5 by clicking on Menu --> Settings --> Section "Connections" --> Advanced Settings --> Mobile Networks -->Network mode and then "GSM only".

Remember that the speed when surfing the Internet only is provided by GSM speed, which is not very high. If necessary, you should switch back to UMTS here.

6. Use airplane mode at night

Put the Samsung Galaxy S5 at night in airplane mode when you aren´t expecting any calls or SMS messages. As a result, the smartphone uses no wireless connection which saves battery power.

You now have learned several methods to save battery in Android Lollipop with your Samsung Galaxy S5 without having to activate the power saving mode.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.