If you have installed on your Samsung Galaxy S5, the new Android Lollipop update, then it may be that you no longer have the Swype function on the keyboard.
This is because the Swype function is deactivated by the firmware update first. If you would like to use the function of Swype again, which allows inputs of letters and words by wiping over the keyboard, then you must do the following:
Opens on your Samsung Galaxy S5, the following submenu:
Menu --> Settings --> Language & input
Then tap on "Samsung Keyboard" and scroll down in the next window to the option "Keyboard swipe". Tap on the option and you can now select the following methods:
• Continuous Input - Enter a text by sliding your finger across the keyboard.
• Cursor Control - Let the fingers glide over the keyboard to move the text cursor
The Swype keyboard function corresponds to the "Continous input option". Bookmark this option and you can now write text on your Samsung Galaxy S5 by sliding over the letters. The optimization is performed by the intelligent keyboard.