Unfortunately, it often happens that one receives unwanted calls because their own telephone number was sold to rogue call center. This can for example happen if you specified your mobile phone number in sweepstakes. If you now get every day unwanted calls from call centers that want to sell something to you, then you can block it of course. The Samsung Galaxy S6 offers with Android innately a revocation list, which can be put on numbers.
Unfortunately, many call centers use telephone number at which the last four digits repeatedly change. To lock all the numbers, you would therefore have to enter 10,000 numbers at the Android Blacklist, which is impossible.
That's why you should use in this case, the following app on Samsung Galaxy S6: Calls blacklist
With this app, it is possible to block phone numbers that begin with a specific number range.
For example: You always get calls from: +1 12345 – 1234
The last four digits are constantly changing. Then you can now block all numbers that begin with +1 12345. This works with the aforementioned app very good. Have you downloaded and installed this app from the Google Play Store, then openn it. With the plus icon you can now block numbers:
Select here "Starts with". Enter the number you want to block as described above. Finished!
Now, if a number with this number circle tries to contact you on the Samsung Galaxy S6, then this number is automatically blocked. The app calls blacklist works of course with any Android smartphone.
We hope that you will be spared with this app from annoying calls from call centers on the Samsung Galaxy S6.