The Samsung Galaxy S9 has an LED notification light that can display individual colors. This is also the case in the "Whatsapp" messenger app. As a rule, users select the color green here.
However, it is possible that an incorrect LED color is still displayed when a new message is received on the Samsung Galaxy S9. If this is also the case for you, please try the following tip:
WhatsApp Notification LED Color wrong - Tip
1. Open the WhatsApp App
2. By tapping on the three item icon in the upper right corner and selecting "Preferences" from the drop-down menu
3. Then on to the "Notifications" menu item
4. Tap on the three item icon in the upper right corner and then select "Reset Notifications" from
When a new message arrives in WhatsApp on your Samsung Galaxy S9, a flashing green LED will tell you immediately without taking your phone out of standby.