There is no function within the Android system to create a new file. Luckily there is the Google Play Store app market, in which you can download good file explorer for your Android smartphone which have "exactly this function integrated. We would like to present the "ES File Explorer", which has exactly such function.
Name: ES File Explorer
Download Link: Download ES File Explorer at Google Play Store
Is the ES Explorer installed on your Android smartphone, open it on your smartphone.
Now, you must tap the folder name that is displayed at the moment to access a different file path. You now see an overview of your dsik spaces, where you have to tap on "0" for the internal memory and on "extSdCard" to access the memory card. Now choose the folder in which you wish to create the new file. Have you opened the folder, tap at the bottom at "New" and then click "File". You will now create a new file. After renaming the new created file tap "Ok". Finish!
You know now how to create a new file within the Android file system on your smartphone.