You can also use WhatsApp to make calls and chat with your WhatsApp contacts. If you get a call through WhatsApp, you will of course hear a standard ringtone.
Fortunately, you can change this ringtone. How to set an MP3 ringtone as the active ringtone in WhatsApp is summarized below:
1. Open WhatsApp and tap the symbol with the three dots.
2. in the upper right corner of the overview. Navigate to "Settings" and then "Notifications".
3. Scroll down here to "Call Notifications" and then to "Ringtone".
4. If a query appears, select "Media Storage".
5. Scroll down in the list of ringtones until you see the button "Add Ringtone".
6. You can now add an MP3 ringtone.
If you then receive a call from WhatsApp on your Android smartphone, the MP3 ringtone you just selected will ring and notify you of the incoming call.