If you use Instagram actively, then you will see in the posts of the people you follow very often videos. These videos can be played automatically using AutoPlay.
Now there are two possibilities. Either you find this option really good or you would like to deactivate it immediately.
Depending on how you think about it, we have written the following instructions for you on how to activate or deactivate AutoPlay in Instagram:
1. Open Instagram App
2. Tap on the small icon in the form of a person in the lower right corner to display your profile
3. Next, click on the three-point icon and then on "Using the mobile data network"
4. Now select the following setting: Enable Auto-Play videos --> Disable standard Auto-Play videos --> Low data consumption
Unfortunately, Instagram does not provide any further options that make it possible to disable Auto Play videos in Instagram.
For example, you can't switch them off in the W-Lan network, but only for the mobile data network as described above.