Samsung Galaxy A-series contacts by last name + first name display and sort

If you have a Samsung A-series smartphone in use and use it mainly as a business phone, you will notice that contacts are sorted by "First Name, Last Name" scheme.

This is of course unfavorable, because usually one knows the surname rather than the first name from business contacts.


Here it is useful if the contacts are displayed and sorted in the format "last name, first name" and exactly this setting we would like to explain to you in this article.

Show last name first - This is how it works with A-Series devices

1. open the Contacts app on your smartphone

2. select the three-bar icon in the upper left corner

3. the sidebar with various functions is displayed. At the top of the sidebar you will see a gear symbol. Select it to open the contact settings.

4. here you see now "Name format". Select this and then select:

  • Last name, first name

Now the contacts with the last name are displayed first within the contact list.

To display contacts alphabetically sorted by last name, select "Sort by" in the same menu. Then select "Last name".

With these two settings, a contact on a Samsung Galaxy A-series smartphone will now be displayed in "Last Name, First Name" format and sorted alphabetically by last name.

Now you can easily use a Galaxy A-series smartphone as a business phone in everyday life.


About the Author

Manuel Solvemix Team small

Manuel has been involved with technology for more than 15 years, especially with mobile phones, smartphones and PC systems and shares his passion here in this blog. If he can help someone with a technical problem, he is especially happy about it.